Това е примерно съобщение за гост. Регистрирайте безплатен акаунт днес, за да станете потребител на! След като влезете, ще можете да участвате в този сайт, като добавите свои собствени теми и публикации, както и да се свържете с други членове чрез вашата лична входяща кутия! Благодарим ви!

Предлагам създаване на сайт за обяви


New member
Добър ден на всички ,

Предлагам услуга за създаването на сайт за безплатни обяви.

Ето какво получавате:

Система за управление на съдържанието:

Top Features

* Open Source (Only one file encrypted) .
* Nice layout from start.
* Support Most payment vendors.
* Unlimited level of categories.
* Unique Extra Fields that is also sorteable.
* Large user community.
* Uses Template and language system that keeps your customize.
* Regions Module is included (using Ajax).
* Picture Gallery.
* Publishing tool for custom pages by you.
* Easy code.
* Normalized Database Layout
* Fast.
* Image, Video and Document upload.

Admin area

* Unlimited category and sub-levels creation.
* Unlimited yahoo-categories.
* Unlimited extra fields creation.
* Your own boxes and options in extra fields, all through admin interface.
* Over 300 different settings in settings-area.
* Ad and Ad validation manager
* User and User validation manager
* Image-compression and generation by either:
-Non compressed
* Payment manager: deside what payment gateways to be allowed, and prices etc.
* Pageview statistics, divided into member/guest visits, browsers etc.
* Langauge-translator. All user-side language in plain text files.
* Admin inform on new members, new ads and updated.
* Ip included in messages to admin.
* SMTP setting possible, instead of changing php.ini.
* Edit template from admin area.
* Banner program that can show different spesific banners for each category
* Backup tool
* Ban/deactivate users
* Update/edit userads/users from admin
* Chmod setting for images
* Choseable type of layout (num of columns OR rows)
* Validation/moderation of ads
* Banned emailaddresses
* Require login in each of the pages: Contact user, Rate Ad, Rate Member, Picture gallery and detailed view.
* User friendly installer
* Set up searchable fields from admin area

Payment solutions

* Paypal
* Worldpay
* Clickbank

General Features

* Runs on systems with PHP register_globals turned off for greater security.
* Yahoo-style categories, with selectable number of subs and order of apearance.
* Unlimited custom fields, table-columns created automatically field by field.
* Special ad feature now makes ad-text bold in listings, in addition to apperar on frontpage.
* Different html template for each type of list (most viewed, search etc).
* All listings may be sorte by clicking headline (even search).
* All custom fields may be used in ad-lists (E_1, E_2..).
* Print functionality removes navigation.
* Picture gallery with only one image per user.
* Sort on all columns.
* Ads from this seller include vendor-logo and vendor-homepage (if is vendor).
* Banner program improved, showing ads in selected cats.
* Change emailaddress allowed.
* Require login in each of the pages: Contact user, Rate Ad, Rate Member, Picture gallery and detailed view.
* Easy renew function
* Advanced search, different search-page for different categories (template fields)
* Review seller
* View old users that have not logged in latly (admin area)
* Translated to 11 languages
* Banner program that can be different for each category
* Payment gateway integration with WorldPay, PayPal, and ClickBank
* Favourites list (bookmark function for members)
* Advanced search
* Chooseable number of ads per page (can be set for each individual page, like search, latest view etc)
* Listing with thumbnails OR V/X symbol OR Yes/No.
* Previous/Next link on individual ads (detailed) for easy browsing
* Custom date-format from admin area
* Special ad listing (appears on frontpage)
* Vendor image on all ads (when activated and assigned)
* All sql tables can have custom names
* Layout images in its own dir
* Large image in nice html vindow
* Graphic images as buttons while still using language files
* Huge layout change
* User selectable language on enter
* Credit package
* List images in category view (option)
* Membership for users in months
* Detail screen on users in admin area (click their name)
* How many times a user have logged in
* Improved installer
* Mailbugs fixed
* Multiple images on each ad
* Picture next to ad in list-view
* Banned-list for @domain and
* Bad word cencors
* Notify user before expire ad
* User emailvalidation
* XHML validated most pages
* Improved member area, delete images etc.
* Search on subdir fixed
* Bugs in credit, change passwd, counter fixed
* Major improvement in visual member area
* Chooseable expire date on ads(option)
* Credit system (allow a person to post 10 ads for instance)
* Image is resized in a better way (set from admin)
* Search on global ad fields
* Encrypted password in db
* Password change
* Improved lost-password
* Custom thumbnail image (in px or %)
* IE/FireFox/Opera/Netscape compatible
* User ControlPanel (manage all ads and user info)
* Searchengine
* Admin email on new ads
* Unlimited categories
* Unlimited sub-categories
* Unlimited ads
* Unlimited users
* Picture upload into mysql
* Small and large picture in detail mode
* WAP-pages
* Detailed view
* Summary view
* Auto email sent to user when registering
* Auto delete of old ads and old users (if set)
* # of ads in each category
* Choose-able to have lates 10 ads on frontpage
* Password protected user area, where user see all their ads
* Password protected admin area with functionality to add, delete and modify categories and links.
* Browse Picture gallery
* Simple monthly statistics in admin panel
* Chooseable image for each category (with default folder-image)
* Two optional modes for category-structure (for non-sub cat sites)
* Email ad-link to friend
* Delete users from admin
* Set all configuration option from admin
* Set header/footer from admin
* WAP functionality
* Latest # ads page, and Most viewd ads page


1 - Български
2 - Английски
3 - Британски английски
4 - Френски
5 - Германски
6 - Гръцки
7 - Бразило - Португалски
8 - Украински

Включително към пакета:

Лого - Получавате лого направенo от професионалист
Банери - Получавате 5 вида банери направени от професионалист - flash технология се използва при създаването
Leaderboard (728x90)
Banner (468x60)
Skyscraper (120x600)
Wide skyscraper (160x600)
Medium rectangle (300x250)
Оптимизация :
Получавате регистрация във всички директории на
Keywords,Description във всички страници на сайта
Оптимизирани линкове - SEO Friendly
Оптимизарани Заглавия - SEO Friendly
Домейн - Избирате си домейн по избор - com/net/info/org - Безплатно - Закупува се от суперхостинг.бг - 1 година
Възможност за .bg домейн само за фирми - Закупува се от
Цената за .бг домейн си е според условията на регистратор.бг

* 4555 MB пространство
* 35 GB трафик
* 50 пощенски кутии
* 1 Add–on Домейн
* 15 MySQL v.4 и 5
* 100 субдомейна
* 15 FTP потребителя
* PHP / Perl / Python
* CPanel + Fantastico
- Закупува се от Суперхостинг.бг - 1 година

Цена на пакета - 200 лева

Възможни са изключвания на няколко услуги и намалянето на общата цена от 200 лева

Можете да изключите:

Лого - 10 лева намаление
Банери - 20 лева намаление
Хостинг - 30 лева намаление
Домейн - 14 лева намаление
Оптимизация - 2 лева намаление

Намалена цена със всички опции за изключване : 120 лева - 4 лева отстъпка
Банков път
Пощенски запис

Връзка с мен

ЛС във форума
Скайп : ivelinborisov1
ICQ : 568952253
Телефон : 0894776165
Re: Предлагам създаване на сайт за обяви

Да включва се и лиценз
Можете да говорите с контактния екип на сайта защото те получават част от цената,като техен парньор съм
Re: Предлагам създаване на сайт за обяви


Намалена цена със всички опции за изключване : 50 лева
